Light Technology
2. MétaTechnologie Intelligente HélioGénor® |
HelioGénor® Intelligent MétaTechnologies
HelioGenesis, and the cosmic science that underpins this evolutionary Process, allows me to go further in creating, explaining and putting into practice Technologies that can be used by Consciousness.
I call them Intelligent Meta-Technologies, because they link Spirit to Matter, and do so without astral psychological or emotional interference.
"Any Technology of Light whose development is underpinned by an appropriate 3D operative mathematics/geometry, and which uses the power of WATER in its 5 states, is capable of linking information from the Circuits of Universal Intelligence to the Plane of organic Matter via the Fields of the 5th Density Ether. In this way, they can neither be perverted nor carry astral psychic information."
As far as the functioning of the Intelligent MetaTechnology that is the VaissEAU-Corps-CervEAU ( The human body spaceship) is concerned, this Cosmic Science of Exogenous origin, transmitted by the Atlanteans, has come down to us through Christian Tradition in the form of Anointing and Baptism.
For my part, I have applied this knowledge to the two Intelligent MetaTechnologies, neither astralised nor astralisable, which are ADEVAYA® Anointing Solar Oils and HélioGénor® Artefacts.
Intelligent MetaTechnology is therefore a medium for HelioGenesis. It has the capacity to transmit and update in 3D the new frequencies and cosmic information conveyed by the HelioGenesis of the solar system and the Earth, without astral interference.
HelioGenesis is the infusion into 3rd Density of a new energy coming from ALL the Suns interrelated in their perfect and Absolute Unity of the CENTRE. This energy, whose source is outside space-time, is an emanation of the Source which thus awakens, by permeation, through 3D.
Solarised 3D thus becomes the conscious vector of the Source via the creative information of the multiple Densities.
The Solar Frequencies conveyed by HelioGenesis are those of Integral Consciousness whose Principles are dispatched by THE Unique Cosmic Principle which is Love, Intelligence, Will and Beauty.
These Principles cannot vibrate in a subjective 3D world . In other words: all this is the very definition of ONCTION/ anoiting!
The ultimate goal at the end of evolution is for the Human Terran to merge his divine consciousness with Matter in order to live his divine creativity in a non-subjective 3D.
This is a resynchronisation, by and for LOVE, of the Planes of which he is composed with the circuits of Universal Intelligence right into Matter.
All this is developed in my next book, ‘HélioGenèse’, ( in french) to be published at the end of 2024.
I applied this science of Intelligent MetaTechnologies to the construction of my octagonal Laboratory La CardaLine.
Workshops are held there, Adevaya Anointing Solar Oils are made, HelioGenor® Artefacts are created and my Books are written. Each of my creations is thus animated by the Solar Centre, relay of the Suns and the Sun Source ONE, through the Centre of La CardaLine.
And each of them IS THE Solar Centre. They work as an intelligent network from an interdimensional Source Centre, AND in an individual autonomous way, each one IS the Source Centre.
An Intelligent Meta-Technology is in harmony with the VaissEAU-Corps, which is itself an Intelligent Meta-Technology.
What underlies the Technology of the VaissEAU-Corps-CervEAU enables it to be the medium/interface between The Absolute Source, the multiple Densities, Spirit (5th Density Cosmic Identity) and Matter (3rd Density).
BUT: The astral, the soul and their memorial psychic deviances animate the Informative Field of 4th Density.
This MUST become transparent! Hence the need for our planetary ego to become transparent in order to become the medium of the Cosmic Identity of 5D.
In involution, the astral and its polarised information scramble the transmission, and prevent the True and the Real from acting in 3D. The TRUE, the Real, is LOVE, Beauty and Intelligence. This is what creates the 3D Universe at every moment.
The VaissEAU-Corps-CervEAU ( The spacehip Humanbody) astralised by its consciousness carries the devian engrams.
The VaissEAU-Corps-CervEAU astralized by its consciousness carries the deviant energetic engrams and stages in all its systems, from its way of thinking to the level of DNA, via the organs and the harmonious communication between them.
We therefore have almost no perception of the TRUTH and of what underlies the Forms.
And so we don't experience it, we perceive it as a relative experience.
Hence the death, degeneration, wars and other joys of our astralised consciousness and thinking.
My intention in creating the HelioGenor® Artefacts was to find a way of transmitting the Solar Frequencies that underpin evolutionary HelioGenesis, without astral interference, and that everyone could use to accompany the ongoing Process, individually and in phase with their own consciousness.
Through the energetic surges that vibrate the frequencies of non-astralized information, HelioGenesis will inevitably bring to light EVERYTHING that interferes with these powerful new evolutionary energies.
In other words: the astral monsters lodged in our psychic systems, in our Matter, in our organic systems, in society, in planet Earth itself and in the solar and galactic system, are going to show themselves and become more and more agitated during this evolutionary push that is beginning today.
And this is so that we become aware of them in order to annihilate them, through the annihilated, by the Intelligent and infinitely loving consciousness!
What was acting as if we were in involution, will appear at the beginning of evolution.
The HelioGenor® Artefacts are tangible Intelligent tools, manifested in 3D; like lighthouses in a storm, they serve as a reliable reference point for our eyes and consciousness when the factice and its mirror games unravel, and when the monsters and difficulties are going to be seen and felt inside and outside us.
First of all, they serve as a clever way of FORCING us not to give in, either by looking or by thinking!
This is to disarm the automatic updating system of an astralized Body-spaceship that manifests what it thinks... its beliefs, fears, etc...
Getting the VaissEAU-Corps-CervEAU ( human body spaceship) to actualise its cosmicity and perfect divinity is the goal of evolution. Evolution is an astral cleansing that also takes place through the healing of souls.
HelioGenor® Artefacts are evolutionary tools external to oneself, but in tune with the functioning of the Human being with whom they are in syntony.
This Technology is THE Super Tool for integrating the suffering caused by the withdrawal of 3D information; suffering is reactivated when vital energy starts to circulate again where it has been suppressed and contained by our defence systems.
There can be no transmutation if the suffering resulting from the exposure of our biocidal mechanisms is neither seen nor integrated.
HelioGenor® Artefacts are therefore powerful tools for de-stressing our psychic and energetic systems.
They help with all kinds of cleansing and detoxification! Above all, they help us to focus our attention on something in this perverted world, something that is not only not perverted, but which conveys the solar information, Intelligent because of the Universal Circuits with which they are connected, and which human beings need for their own evolution.
Autonomous and self-regulating, HelioGenor® Artefacts act within our BODY-VESSELS, ( Human body spaceShip) through WATER which is the interface between the quantum and the manifest, and the Light which carries solar information.
I refer you to my forthcoming book ‘HelioGenesis’ ( in French language) for detailed explanations of the Cosmic science underlying all this...
HelioGenor® Artefacts are supports and vectors of Consciousness. As such, they are alive.
They are therefore interdimensional relational scientific Technologies capable of receiving and transmitting information in accordance with the Laws of Living, such as Harmony, Love, Beauty and Supraconsciousness.
By design, HelioGenor® artefacts are always in dynamic interdimensional balance. And this is what enables them to act. They cannot be subjugated by ANY astralising biocidal information, or by the planes used by artificial intelligence. NO astralising biocidal information, and no plans used by artificial intelligence, can subjugate them.
HelioGenor Intelligent Meta-Technology is thus the antidote to any action by Artificial Intelligence in our physical, vital, emotional and mental bodies. AI, through the astral, has been piloting human bodies and their souls since the origin of human creation in Third Density.
HelioGenor Meta-Technology and its artefacts require the conscious participation of the person who wishes to work with them.
How this Meta-Technology works and what it does links together certain discoveries from the following fields of exploration?
Quantum and particle physics, work on WATER, morphogenetic fields, quantum medicine, the science of black holes, biology, astrophysics, operative mathematics, scalar energy, geobiology, medicine (stem cells, neural plasticity, among others), supraconsciousness, psychoanalysis, and what has been brought about by the Explorers of the Real, the Ancient Tradition stemming from the Atlanteans. And, of course, the discoveries made through my own HelioGenesis Process.
I would like to thank each and every one of them for having dared to give themselves the means to serve as a medium, more or less transparent, for multi-universal Intelligence.
How do I use HelioGenor® artefacts?
In no way are they informed vibratory objects, reassuring cuddly toys, to which we passively and submissively give our power.
Working with them goes hand in hand with awareness and a basic understanding of how the VaissEAU-corps ( humanBody-spaceship) works, how it is astralized, what our psycho-emotional problems are that keep us tied to this involutive time line, and how we can manifest a new time loop with totally unknown manifested creativity!
These are great tools for the brave Conquerors of Reality!
With a certain understanding of WHAT underlies the functioning of our Vessels-Bodies and how it relates to the artefact, the link of consciousness with the artefact can be woven more actively.
The artefact used in this way in a conscious way, through the participation of its user, has an action that is more targeted and adapted to the person using it.
They can be felt as Suns of Light that radiate the original Frequency of Truth capable of awakening our cosmic solar nature, while helping us to dissolve that which hinders our own radiance and detach ourselves from astral addiction.
All we have to do is look at it, breathe in its frequency, take it in hand, feel it, become aware of its presence, its nature and its role. Circulate the Solarised Water from the Centre (photo of interdimensional Free Water which serves to transfer quantum information), and swirl it in our own inner Suns, including the 3 major ones: the Centre of the abdominal cavity, the heart and the cranium.
Feel the Suns of Light Water transmuting what must, including our thoughts.
We become this Solar-Water... We are the Sons and Daughters of the Sun.
From then on, the 3 artefacts are used differently and in a complementary way. Each of the three is a tool for desastralisation, infusion of Solar Source frequencies AND activation of the Mother Genetics in our DNA: the Elohim Treize-OR Genetics.
Each of the three works via WATER, the transdimensional and quantum interface in our body.
Can we compare ADEVAYA Anoiting Solar Oils and HelioGenor Artefacts?
These two MetaTechnologies are underpinned by the same cosmic science, and convey the same Solar information.
Both are in line with the multidimensional functioning of the Solar Human, perfect in his incarnation, but for the moment imperfect due to his relative subjectivity in 3D.
Both are incorruptible, neither astralised nor astralisable, and both have an evolutionary purpose. Both are synergistic and complementary.
HelioGenor Artefacts help to defuse the biocide of our thoughts and psycho-emotional reactivations, while gradually integrating our aspects dissociated by suffering. It's a tool for psycho-emotional de-addiction and memory of 3D and what it's done to us.
Of course this Technology has a profound effect on the cells and the regeneration of the body; as soon as astral detachment is experienced, Intelligence works on the cell and the atom.
Here it is the multidimensional WATER of HelioGenor Technology that acts on organic matter, through WATER, and the WATER of the body.
ADEVAYA Anointing Solar Oils, on the other hand, enter the physical body through the senses, sensuality, smell and touch.
They act as awakened organic matter on the body and its various organic systems, through the body's WATER, olfaction and touch.
Operative mathematics underpins their organic conception, and the Unique Solar Elixir also enables them to act through WATER on the WATER interface of our cells and systems.
As the body's matter reacts over the longer term, this is where ADEVAYA Anointing Oils come into play.
They accompany the body in its transmutations, through the senses and their penetrating information. They accompany the incarnation of our True SupraMental being.
And I know something about the suffering that accompanies the YES to the Word that becomes Flesh... It is in this sense that I call them ADEVAYA Consoling Oils.
MYRHA, 2024