The YoniToy

Price : 770,00 €



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 Please contact me by email before ordering The YoniToy.

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and his incredible Black Rainbow Yoni Egg …

Trademarks and registered designs ®

2025: New design of the YoniToy®! 3 interchangeable stainless steel balls of increasing weight. The YoniToy is sold with its 3 inox steel balls which allow you to increase over time, through Practice, the tone of the PC muscle and vaginal sensations.

The price indicated includes the 3 steel balls, a black obsidian Dragon egg, a rose quartz yoni egg and all in the luxurious satin pouch. Other eggs are possible of course.
Please contact me for this before ordering.
Steel balls: 260 grams, 170 grams and 60 grams.

Sterling silver jewel crafted by a jeweler in France ( Except the steels balls)

Sober, beautiful, ingenious, efficient, the qualities of the semi-precious stones, an ancestral tradition, a much thought about and much tested design...

With The YoniToy® and its complimentary YoYo Chain®, here is the Yoni Eggs' guide revisited and completed by a female designer...
These two pieces of jewellery integrating the Yoni Eggs have been made using 950 silver by an artisan jeweller, in France, and using the MYRHA design. All the pieces, designed conscientiously and with love, in small numbers, are formed and chiselled by hand.

More than an ergonomic and naughty SexToy, more than a superb Yoni Egg, more than an efficient Kegel Exerciser, more than sensual Geisha Balls, more than a fabulous intimate toy jewel... The YoniToy® is all of these things rolled into one...and much more... A luxurious object of art which is at your service ladies, it should be lived!

This intimate jewel, allows you to work on the entire genital area, it is efficient while procuring delicious sensations inside and out, it can be used quite discreetly at any time of the day.
It is accompanied by two Yoni Eggs.
The rainbow obsidian Egg has been specially made for The YoniToy; the waves carved into the stone allow a different kind of massage and different sensations to the Eggs that are not carved. Of course this new Black Rainbow Yoni Egg, can be used on it's own or with The YoYo Chain.

The YoniToy®  deals with everything at once, getting the PC muscles to work, procuring pleasant sensations, awakening the genital area. It is a Yoga which mobilises and circulates sexual energy.
A wonderful tool for body conscience, it accompanies the Awakening Process with its activation of the pineal gland. The sexual chakra – Earth roots – is connected to the pineal-pituitary chakras – Sky roots – a Presence Yoga associated with breathing, guides the sexual energy to the pineal gland. This practice enlivens the endocrine glands.
The keys to this practice are: Inhaling, Exhaling, Presence and...Relax...

Most of the Yoni Eggs which have already been bought on my site adapt can adapt to the silver system, but not all of them. It is the models which have the bigger holes that are adaptable.


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