Garshan silk massage gloves

Price : 24,00 €
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Ayurvedic garshan massage:

This massage technique is practiced using natural “living” silk, made using a process that does not kill the silk worms. The silk, from Tsejiang in China, is produced using a low impact method that separates the silk worms from the cocoons using water rather than sulphur. This raw unbleached silk is made using no chemical agents and is therefore highly suitable for those with sensitive skins or suffering from allergies.

Dry massage (oil free, wet free), that can be practiced as a daily self-massage or with a partner.

It is recommended that you start from the head and work your way down to face and neck, followed by the shoulders, thorax and arms.
The chest is massaged more gently working in circles around the nipples.
The legs, like the arms, are massaged from top to bottom using circular movements and long linear strokes.
The stomach and the abdomen are massaged using circular, horizontal and diagonal movements. I recommend paying particular attention to the meridian from the sternum to the belly vertically and across the diaphragm horizontally, as this will help liberate emotional tension stored in these zones.
Very effective for easing painful articulations, vigorous massage across the lower back and kidney area can provide regular energetic cleansing. Massage the buttocks and kidney area alternating the use of closed fist and open palms.
For the top of the back and the spine ask for help!

I advise using Garshan massage first thing in the morning before application of my oils as it amplifies their effect helping them to penetration and diffuse though out the body.

This massage take only a few minutes per day and is an ideal for boosting and balancing the metabolism and the energetic systems of the organism. It also activates the lymphatic system, reinforcing the immune system. This traditional Ayurvedic massage, helps eliminate toxins and is particularly recommended to combat feelings of heaviness and tiredness at the beginning of the year, through it’s stimulating action on the metabolism and connective tissue. The activation of the circulation upon waking, provided by the gloves heating and stimulating action, creates a feeling of wellbeing. The skin’s tone and texture is also improved by this daily practice. Particularly recommended for people who are overweight and or suffer from cellulite and water retention.

The gloves can be machine washed at 30 degrees ; the gloves develop a better texture with use and washing which will improve the quality of the massage.

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Eau et Feu : La RéunificationWater ans fire : Reunification. Oils and Elixir. Practice of Anointing

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