Body Solar Oil
100 ml
“What you say, you say it in a body,
you cannot say anything out of this body.
You must awaken from out of this body, for everything is therewithin:
Resurrection comes from out of this life.”
(Gospel of Philip 23)
From out of the synergy of its composition and from the very process of its development, this Oil of Anointing has a powerful regenerative and re-unifying action, at the level of bodily tissues, but also at the emotional and psychical levels.
Easily absorbed, moistening, soothing and humidifying, “Huile Consolatrice Corps” slows down the process of ageing and it is strengthening and scar-forming.
It is suitable for cutaneous infections like dry eczemas and irritations and reduces the effects of sun-exposure. It is anti-shock (haematomas and emotional shocks), and regularizes the lymphatic and circulatory systems.
“Huile Consolatrice Corps” re-establishes the harmonious and dynamic communication between the different levels of our beings and reminds us of the finality of our beings, of which our every cell is bearer: “The Divine Body.”
By binding the lower plexus to the upper plexuses it brings balance and realignment to the whole being.
Its great affinity with the cardiac plexus renders it efficacious in moments of great distress. Being enspiriting, calming and joyful, it helps the integration of spirituality in our daily life.
Like every Oil of Anointing, “Huile Consolatrice Corps” gives protection against the “perverse energies” which surround us.
It is ideal for and for daily treatment of the body and for massages, including plantar reflexology. Being very concentrated, it can be diluted for more generous massages (Therapeutic massages).
Product file « Body solar oil.pdf »
Water ans fire : Reunification. Oils and Elixir. Practice of Anointing