Facial Solar Oil
30 ml
“Her cheeks are as a perfume of spices, sings the Shulamite,
like a bed of sweet-smelling plants…” (Canticle of Canticles)
This oil of Anointing, “Huile Consolatrice Visage”, is a rich synergy, strong in fat polyunsaturated acids, minerals, trace-elements and natural vitamins ( A,C,D,E,K)
It slows down the ageing process of the skin by protecting the cells from oxidization, and by countering the action of free radicals. Its action on the regeneration of collagen renders it efficacious in softening the stains of ageing, scars and cracking.
It strengthens and brings back curves to the face. It is an ideal treatment for dry skin or those that have become over-sensitive and devitalised? Being rapidly absorbed, “Huile Consolatrice Visage” stimulates the natural functions of the skin; it soothes the effects of slight burnings, irritations and exposure to the sun.
Used as an after-shave, on a damp skin, it regenerates and soothes the sting of the razor.
Regularizing the production of sebum and stimulating the action of Keratosis thanks to the presence of trans-retinoic acid, it is equally advised for young skins prone to acne.
Its action on micro-vascularisation renders it efficacious in cases of facial blotches or rosacea. Developed like all the Anointing Oils of the Adevaya range it is an oil which acts by bringing gentleness, joy and sensuality to all levels of our being. Harmonising and balancing, it helps recentring by working on the cardiac plexus. Acting on the heart-head link, it is a re-unifying and stimulating oil of creative activity..
Applying this Anointing to the face allows it to express natural and healthy radiance.
“Elixir Consolateur Unique” is the ideal complement to this oil, in which case it is used as a light hydrating emulsion.
Product file « Facial solar oil.pdf »
Water ans fire : Reunification. Oils and Elixir. Practice of Anointing